Saturday, May 25, 2024

 Fowlerville High School to hold graduation ceremony Sunday, June 2

Fowlerville High School will hold its graduation ceremony for the Class of 2024 at 1pm on Sunday, June 2, in the competition gym, with 174 students expected to receive their diplomas.

The planned schedule begins with a Welcome Address by Assistant Superintendent Adva Ringle and the Presentation of the School Board by Board President Amy Sova.

Mckenzie Kelly will give the Class Welcome, followed by Alexandra McKee giving the Salutatorian Address and then Isaiah Beach offering the Valedictorian Address.

The ceremony will conclude with the Presentation of Diplomas, with Board President Amy Sova, Princial Amy Pashak, Assistant Principal Nicholas Zajas, Dean of Students Jacob Hess, and Athletic Director Jeff Finney taking part.

The high school band, under the direction of William Vliek, will play the Senior Processional “Pomp and Circumstance” as the seniors enter the gym and the Recessional “Triumphal March” as they exit. They’ll also perform the ‘Star Spangeled Banner’ after the Processional.

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