Saturday, December 31, 2022

 Williamston Farmers Market Bottle & Can Collection resumes in January

It's a new year and time to make your list of resolutions. Sowing Growth, the non-profit organization that operates the Eastern Ingham Farmers Market in Williamston, suggests one of your resolutions be gathering all our Michigan-returnable bottles and cans from the garage, basement, back porch or shed, then loading them into the car and dropping them off' at the "Bottleground", which is McCormick Park's large parking lot in Williamston. Collection dates in the off-season are the 1st and 3rd Sundays each month in 2023 from January through April, from 11am to 1pm.

This popular fundraiser is a win-win: you don't have to do the icky-sticky job of taking the bottles back to the store, and you're supporting the Farmers Market which has no other funding sources other than grants and donations.

Collection dates in the off-season are: January 1 & 15, February 5 & 19, March 5 & 19, and April 2 & 16, between 11am and 1pm. If your business collects bottles and cans, consider donating them. Special collections can be made directly at your business address during the week. Just call or email any member of the Sowing Growth Board of Directors (listed on the website: or contact the Market Manager Tom Cary to make arrangements for special pick-ups.

For more information about Sowing Growth, the non-profit organization that operates the Eastern Ingham Farmers Market in Williamston, to become a vendor, to be added to the newsletter email list, to volunteer or to donate to the Market, visit the Market website, visit its Facebook page or contact Market Manager Tom Cary (517-618-1630) or

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