Saturday, October 29, 2022

 Celebration Recovery hosting panel discussion on mental health issues

Celebrate Recovery, a local recovery program, is hosting a panel discussion regarding mental health issues in adults this Tuesday, Nov. 1, at the Fowlerville United Brethren Church.

Celebrate Recovery is a 12-step program based on eight principles from the Beatitudes. Areas of recovery focus on alcoholism, divorce, sexual abuse, codependency, drug addictions and many other areas that cause us to struggle.

“In 2022 the National Celebrate Recovery Team focused on the effects of mental health which is showing an increase in our society, both young and old,” said Sue Kretchman, head of the local program. “By offering this special event, we hope to bring continued awareness that there is no shame for those who currently are under care for any issue related to mental health or have a loved one in these circumstances. CR is not a counseling service and it is not our goal to “fix” anyone. We are a safe, confidential ministry program that comes alongside people who are working on becoming more healthy.”

The panel will be made up of several individuals who have or currently attend CR every week. Each person will give a mini-testimony of their experiences and how attending CR has helped them find help with their struggles. There will also be time to ask questions.

Celebrate Recovery is for all adults age 18 and older. A meal is offered at 6 pm (suggested donation of $4) To ensure we have enough food please call 517.223.9490 or email: Following the meal, the program will begin at 7 pm.

All weekly meetings are held on Tuesdays at Fowlerville United in Brethren in Christ Church, located at 9300 W. Grand River Ave. For more information about CR, please email: or find us on Facebook at Celebrate Recovery Fowlerville UB.

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