Saturday, June 17, 2023

 Plans underway Livingston ESA’s ‘Backpacks for Kids/Connect for Kids’ Project

The Livingston Educational Service Agency is gearing up for our 22nd Annual ‘Backpacks for Kids’ Project. The ‘Backpacks for Kids/Connect for Kids’ Project provides basic school supplies, at no cost, to students in Livingston County whose families are experiencing financial difficulties. This event is made possible through the generous donations of our community members.

We are asking community members to please consider donating backpacks and/or school supplies for us to fill backpacks and provide to Livingston County children. On Friday, August 4, a Livingston ESA Bus will be at the Howell Wal-Mart from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Community members and families who are shopping for school supplies can pick up an extra set of pencils, pack of paper, or even a backpack as a contribution to the Annual Stuff the Bus Campaign.

We welcome donations for the 2023 Livingston ESA “Backpacks for Kids” project. You may drop off donations through August 4, 2023 at the Livingston ESA’s Education Center, located at 1425 West Grand River Avenue, Howell, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday. You can also visit our website at, click on Community Resources/ Backpacks for Kids to find additional drop off locations and information for donations.

Last year, approximately $15,000 in monetary and school supply donations helped us distribute over 1,000 backpacks to students from Preschool through 12th Grade. The goal this year is to again distribute 1,000 backpacks full of basic school supplies for Livingston County students whose families may be experiencing financial difficulties. Residents, churches and local businesses who contribute to this effort through donations, volunteer time, and serving as drop-off sites for supplies and backpacks help to make this event such a success.

Again this year, the Backpacks for Kids event will be held as a drive through event on August 10, 2023 at each of the five school districts. This change was made to provide easier access for families and school districts. Please look for additional information later regarding distribution details.

For additional information call (517) 540-6802 or visit our website: and click on Community Resources.

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