Saturday, December 14, 2024

 Spagnuolo Candy Store 100-year Anniversary being celebrated at

Good Deeds Coffee Shop on Dec. 19th

By Angela Denby

This Dec. 19, 2024 will commemorate 100 years since George (Mr. Spag) and Ellen Spagnuolo opened their Fowlerville candy and ice cream business in the building we now call home for Good Deeds Coffee.

Lenore Spagnuolo, daughter to George and Ellen, came into the coffee shop a year ago on the 99th anniversary. She sat at one of the front tables with friend and local historian/author, Marion Cornett. They captured my attention as I walked through. Lenore said, "this is the anniversary of when my parents opened the candy shop here!"

Then she looked at a huge group of holiday baskets we had just prepared for a custom order and she said, "My dad would have loved all of these baskets. He really loved holiday baskets."

I sat down at the table with them, and she went on to reminisce and share beautiful stories of those years and her parents. I have personally gotten to know some of their grandchildren and great grandchildren over the years, and I've met even more of them since we opened the coffee shop. As local entrepreneurs go, they are iconic in this town.

Lenore told me about this idea she had to celebrate the 100th year in this welcome the public, offer complimentary cake, view some old family photos, and share stories.

Yes, yes, yes! What a wonderful idea!

So, over the course of the past year, we met up to finalize plans for a very lovely event which will be held this Dec. 19th. Tessa is all ready to create an amazing cake for the occasion. We have a special coffee roast which will be available that week as well as specialty drinks named after the family. We are so excited!

Public welcome. Lenore and all will be at the open house from 11 am until 6 pm, Dec. 19. So please come and be a part of the celebration.

So, come one, come all to share some cake and stories of the first Fowlerville Spagnuolo's candy shop that started here 100 years ago.

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