Saturday, July 28, 2018

 Introducing the Livingston Women's Club
By Mary Lynn Thompson
    I have been anxious to introduce the Livingston Women's Club to the readers of this fine newspaper for some time.
    It seems that in 1987 a small group of women started this non-profit organization to help the needy in Livingston County. Since then we have grown and continue to benefit our County through various endeavors. 
    We are proud that every "Holiday Season" the Club hopes to put smiles on the faces of about 17,000 needy residents who might not otherwise have a reason to enjoy Christmas. We accomplish this through our "Giving Tree Project" where helpful citizens pick a "Dove" from an artificial tree and fill the attached wish. 
    Our Group also handles a "Crisis Fund" where we have helped residents with school tuition, car payments, leaky roofs, and even money for food.
    We're proud of our "Scholarship Students", and continue to keep in touch, even after they enter college.
    All women who have a caring heart, a willingness to share with others, and wish to make changes in another person's life are encouraged to join the Livingston Women's Club. For further information, please call Mary Lynn at 810-229-7356 or visit

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