Saturday, December 5, 2020

  •  Michigan physicians issue tool kit to help residents prepare & protect themselves from COVID-19 at home

      Michigan physicians have released a COVID-19 preparedness tool kit to help people better prepare and protect themselves from the virus in the safety of their home, as cases across the state continue to rise.

    “We have learned a lot about COVID-19 since the pandemic began earlier this year,” said Dr. Bobby Mukkamala, president of the Michigan State Medical Society. “Our understanding of the disease has become clearer and the ability to care for and treat our patients has become more effective. The COVID-19 Preparedness Toolkit can help residents be more prepared to protect themselves from this virus that continues to plague our state.”

    The Michigan State Medical Society and the Michigan Academy of Family Physicians urge those diagnosed with COVID-19 to monitor their health at home using the following items:

    --A thermometer to monitor for fever which is defined as 100.4 degrees or higher.

   --A pulse oximeter to measure the oxygen levels in your blood.  A level between 95 and 97% is considered normal by the American Lung Association.

    --Over-the-counter medications such as fever-reducers, cough suppressants and saline nose spray. If you have children, make sure you have appropriate medicine for them, as it may differ from what adults need.

    --Have an emergency contact list of family, friends, neighbors, carpool drivers, health care providers, teachers, employers, the local public health department, and other community resources. If you live alone, arrange to check in with a friend or relative regularly.

    --Be sure to communicate with your physician about any fevers, drop in oxygen levels, or other symptoms of worsening infection. Don’t hesitate to seek emergency care for severe symptoms.

    Michigan physicians urge residents to continue following safety precautions to protect themselves from COVID-19, including:

    --Cover your nose and mouth with a mask or other face covering when in public or around others who don’t live in your household;

    --Avoid close contact with people outside of your home;

    --Wash your hands often;

    --Cover your coughs and sneezes;

    •  Avoid close contact with those who are sick; and,
    •  Monitor your health and be alert for symptoms.

    “Unfortunately, the pandemic isn’t going away, but there are ways to monitor your health and recover at home without needing inpatient care if you do contract the virus,” said Dr. Mark Hamed, president of the Michigan Academy of Family Physicians. “That’s why we created this guide so that residents can track their health and communicate with their doctor to ensure they receive the necessary treatment. And remember, please stay away from others and stay in touch with your doctor if you do feel sick.”

   Michigan physicians said that they “are standing ready to continue serving their patients in the weeks and months ahead in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.” 

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