Saturday, January 25, 2025

 Visitors can win a Valentine’s Day prize at the Webberville Library

    Visitors to the Webberville Public Library can win a box of candy by coming to the Library and completing an entry for a drawing. Several winners will be selected for this drawing sponsored by Friends of the Webberville Library.

    Entries will be accepted starting Monday, Jan. 27 until Friday, Feb. 12 at 5:00 pm. One entry per visit and only one winner per family. Please enter and have a happy Valentine’s Day.

 Plainfield United Methodist Church hosting ‘take out only’ chicken supper

Plainfield United Methodist Church is hosting a ‘take out only’ chicken supper on Saturday, Feb. 8th from 5pm until sold out. Church is located on M-36 north of Gregory. Free will offering.

 New Worship Dates for Trinity & Plainfield United Methodist churches

    Trinity United Methodist Church & Plainfield United Methodist Church are now holding alternating Sunday worship services.. Service at both churches will begin at 9:15am on Sunday mornings.

        --February 2 at Trinity UMC

        --February 9 at Plainfield UMC

        --February 16 at Trinity UMC

        --February 23 at Plainfield UMC

    Paula Vergowven is the new pastor at both churches. She is also the pastor at the Webberville United Methodist Church.

 Livingston County Genealogical Society holding meeting on     Feb. 6th in Howell

    The Livingston County Genealogical Society will hold an in-person meeting on Thursday, Feb. 6th at 7pm at the First United Methodist Church in Howell, 1230 Bower Street. We will also offer a zoom link to this meeting; the link may be found on our Facebook page the week of the meeting. All are welcome.

    The guest speaker is James Jackson who will talk about “Fold 3: Military Records”. With over 500 milllion images, there are records of soldiers serving in every conflict from the American Revolution to the Irag, Afghanistan and Persian Gulf Wars. But there is much more than just military records on Fold3 and much of it is available from home for free.

    Jackson speaks regionally and nationally on many topics, many of them military related. He has served as president of the Detroit Society for Genealogical Research, the Oakland County Genealogical Society and the Calhoun County Genealogical Society. He has been the Index Editor of the DSGR Magazine since 1994 and is past-Commander of Camp 22 (Battle Creek, MI) Sons of Union Veterans. In 2006, he was awarded the Lucy Mary Kellogg Award by the Michigan Genealogical Society.

 Fowlerville student named to Kettering University Dean’s List

    Thomas Parker of Fowlerville was named to Kettering University's Fall 2024 Dean's List. Parker is majoring in Mechanical Engineering.

    The Dean's List recognizes overall academic performance based on the student's term grade point average (GPA). To be eligible for the Dean's List, students must satisfy the following requirements: be a degree-seeking student with a minimum term grade point average of 3.5, no grades below B, and a minimum of 16 earned credits for the term.

    "Being named to the Dean's List is a testament to the dedication and excellence of our students," Kettering University Provost James Zhang said. "It reflects their hard work and their ability to thrive in a challenging academic environment. Our rigorous programs are designed for driven students to push boundaries and inspire growth. I am very proud that so many of our students have risen to that challenge with remarkable success."

    More than 260 Kettering University students were named to the Fall 2024 Dean's List.

About Kettering University

    Since 1919, Kettering University has pioneered unique educational experiences that blend classroom instruction with real-world wage-paying work at cooperative employer partners. The Flint, Michigan-based private nonprofit university is world-renowned for its engineering, mathematics, business, and science programs that produce some of the brightest, most successful entrepreneurs and business innovators.

 Fowlerville students named to Albion College Fall Dean’s List

    Albion College has announced the Fall 2024 semester Dean's List. Among those named were two Fowlerville students on the List: Griffin Gonzalez and Hannah Arledge.

    Gonzalez is a first-year student at the college and a graduate of Fowlerville High School.

    Arledge is majoring in psychology with a concentration in human services and is a member of the Prentiss M. Brown Honors Program. Arledge is the child of Sandy Studer and Jace Arledge of Fowlerville and is a graduate of Fowlerville High School. Albion College is a private liberal arts college of approximately 1,500 students and is nationally recognized for its academic excellence in the liberal arts tradition, a learning-centered commitment, and a future-oriented perspective.

 Fowlerville District Library

Upcoming Events

Monday – Wednesday: 9:30 am to 7:00 pm

Thursday: 9:30 am to 8:00 pm

Friday: 9:30 am to 6:00 pm

Saturday: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Sunday: Closed

For any questions, or to register for programs, call us at 517-223-9089

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Family Storytime (Ages 1-5)

For families with “littles” to learn, play and grow through a variety of stories, songs, rhymes, movements, and activities. Playtime and crafts included! 

Tues ● 10-11am

* * *

Toddler Storytime (Ages 0-3)

A storytime for the “littlest littles” to learn, play, and grow through a variety of stories, songs, rhymes and movements that appeal to short attention spans. 

Wed ● 10-11am

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Kids Club (Ages 6-12)

All the fun of Lego Club, but with more! Now you can play a game, complete a craft or activity, and still build with your favorite bricks. 

Thursdays ● 4pm

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Graphic Novel Book Club

Read the book and then come to discuss it. Snacks provided. Books available at the front desk and are yours to keep. Next meeting, we will discuss THE NIGHT LIBRARIAN by Christoper Lincoln.

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Book Boxes (All ages)

Fill out the online form by visiting the events page on our website. Let the librarians pick a surprise selection of books for you. Register the first two weeks of every month to get next month’s box, which will be ready to pick up the first of the following month.

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Reading Dragons (All Ages)

Game on! Read to earn creature cards to collect and play games! Can you collect them all? Stop by the library to grab a reading log and a starter set to begin your adventure.

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Live Homework Help

Free with your library card! Long on to HelpNow, click “Live Help”, Enter subject and grade level and enter the online classroom for expert assistance. You can find a link on our homepage.

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Dungeons & Dragons (Ages 12-18)

Come play D&D 5th Edition! No prior experience needed.

Wednesdays ● 2:30-5pm

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Switch Free Play (Ages 10-18)

Open gaming time with the library's Switch.

Fridays ● 2:30-5 pm

* * *

January Create! (Ages 13 and up)

Join us in the month of January for a Maker’s Space Open House. Make your visions a reality. What will you create? 

Tues ● 4-5 pm

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Find Your People at the Library

We are thrilled to continue this popular working group to explore the Ancestry Library Edition and other valuable genealogy resources. Bring your laptop or use one of our computers. Registration Requested.

Tues, Feb 18 ● 1-2:30 pm

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Jam Session (Adults and teens)

Open Jam Sessions are becoming a monthly tradition here at the library. Led by community members who love to learn, share and connect; all levels, instruments and genres are welcome! Newcomers are encouraged to lead tunes when they feel called. Song leads call out chords and changes. Questions? Email, OPENJAM in the subject line. 

Tues, Feb 18 ● 5:30 – 7:00pm

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Cardmaking (Adults)

Greet your friends and loved ones with beautiful homemade greeting cards-made by you! You will make four different cards to take home. All supplies included. Registration is required. 

Thurs, Feb 27 ● 6:30 pm & Fri, Feb 28 ● 11am

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Scrapbooking (Adults)

Make the most of your memories and join us for a fun day of scrapbooking your favorite photos. Stay the whole time or for just a few hours. Everyone gets their own table. Light refreshments will be provided. Registration is required. 

Sat. Feb 15 ● 10:30 – 3:30

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Shelf Indulgence Book Club (Adults)

We’re excited about the new format for our monthly afternoon book club. Members will take turns facilitating the discussions. Come and enjoy some literary camaraderie! Register to get a free copy of the book, while supplies last. Registration begins one month before each scheduled meeting. Next up we will discuss HUSBANDS AND LOVERS by Beatriz Williams. 

Thurs, Feb 20 ● 2pm

* * *

Sewing (Adults)

Bring your sewing machine and learn from a master seamstress. All levels of skill are welcome. Registration is required. 

Wed, Feb 19 ● 5:30-8pm & Friday Feb 14 ● 10-2pm

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Valentine Sensory Bins (Adults)

Join us to make sensory boxes for that special little one in your life. You will choose from a variety of supplies and each one will be unique. All supplies are included. Registration is required. Supplies are limited. 

Thurs, Feb 6 ● 6 pm

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Olympic Night with Adam Coon

Hometown hero, Adam Coon, will be here to share his experience representing the USA in the Greco Roman Wrestling event at the 2024 Paris Olympics. You won’t want to miss this special evening.

 Wednesday, Feb 26 ● 5:30 pm

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The Secret Love Life of Birds

Laurel Zoet, naturalist and educator presents this adult minded, educational program about the secret love lives of birds, just in time for Valentine’s Day. 

Thurs, Feb 13 ● 6pm

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FDL Oral History Project

Record your history with us as we capture the memories and stories of our residents. Call to schedule an audio interview, which can be done by a family member or staff and can include video.

Recordings will become part of the FDL historical collection.

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A Friendly Reminder

We are happy to be fine-free, however after 3 months the item will be withdrawn from our system and can no longer be returned. A library lost/replacement fee will be applied to the account. Please return your items on time so that others can enjoy them too.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

 St. Agnes sponsoring Firekeepers Casino bus trip on Feb. 12th

St. Agnes Catholic Church’s next scheduled bus trip to Firekeepers Casino will be Wednesday, Feb. 12th. We will be offering a full hot breakfast at 9:00am, at St. Agnes Church, 855 E Grand River Avenue, Fowlerville, in the Lothamer Parish Center prior to departing at 10:00am, on Wednesday morning.

We will be going to Firekeepers Casino in Battle Creek. The cost is $50 and includes round-trip bus transportation, $20 in free slot play and $5 to use towards dining, slot play or in the gift shop. Returning guests who bring their Red Hot Rewards Club card will get credits and points added to their existing card. Guests need to bring a valid ID to receive the group package. Those without Red Hot Rewards Cards will be issued them prior to entering the casino.

A Blue Lakes Charter Motorcoach will leave the St. Agnes Church parking lot at 10:00am. Anticipated arrival time back in Fowlerville is 5:30pm. To pre-register: contact Lisa at the parish office at 517-223-8684 or email at

First come first served, and ALL are welcome to join us for a fun day out!

 Rep. Woolford eager to serve the people of Livingston County

State Rep. Jason Woolford (R-Howell) recently assumed his new role representing Michigan’s 50th House District, which covers the vast majority of Livingston County. He is looking forward serving as a voice in Lansing for the concerns of Livingston County residents and assisting them with any issues with which they may need help.

“I sought the opportunity to represent the families of Livingston County because I share their concerns about the direction of our country and our state,” Woolford said. “Voters understand the threats to our children, our economy, and our rights protected by the Constitution, and they have entrusted me to be a champion of those causes. I am very aware of not only the incredible honor, but the enormous responsibility I have incurred to offer that representation. With a mere 149 people deciding on how to spend a budget of over $80 billion, every member of this legislative body will have to make tremendous decisions that impact every Michigan family. Residents across not only Livingston County, but the whole state can be certain that I will fight for them.”

Rep. Woolford encourages anyone he represents to reach out to his office if they need assistance with a public matter or would like to express their views on a policy issue. Like Rep. Woolford himself, his office Legislative Director, Jasen Wrubel, is also a United States Marine Corps veteran. The two believe their shared experiences and similar records of service will go a long way in enabling the office to more capably serve the people of Livingston County.

“The Marine Corps instilled values in Jasen and me that continue to shape our character and guide our decisions to this day,” Woolford said. “It is comforting to have staff that have a deep understanding of the importance of honor, courage, and commitment, and I know it will make us a better office. We are eager to help anyone who needs it, and so I would ask anyone residing in my district to not hesitate to reach out to us.”

Residents of Rep. Woolford’s district can contact his office by calling (517) 373-3906 or emailing JasonWoolford@House.MI.Gov. Correspondence can also be addressed to Rep. Jason Woolford, N-899 House Office Building, P.O. Box 30014, Lansing, MI 48933.

Residents can also visit to stay updated on what’s going on in Lansing.

 Livingston United Methodist Circuit churches to rotate Sunday services

Paula Vergowven has been named as the new Pastor at Livingston United Methodist Circuit which includes the Trinity UMC and the Plainfield UMC. This is in addition to her duties as the pastor at the Webberville United Methodist Church.

Plainfield and Trinity will combine their service times at 9:15am and rotate each Sunday between churches, with the first four weeks being as follows: Jan. 19 at Trinity, Jan. 26 at Plainfield, Feb. 2 at Trinity, and Feb. 9 at Planfield. Webberville UMC service will be held each Sunday at 11:00am.

 Fowlerville District Library

Upcoming Events

Monday – Wednesday: 9:30 am to 7:00 pm

Thursday: 9:30 am to 8:00 pm

Friday: 9:30 am to 6:00 pm

Saturday: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Sunday: Closed

For any questions, or to register for programs, call us at 517-223-9089

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Family Storytime (Ages 1-5)

For families with “littles” to learn, play and grow through a variety of stories, songs, rhymes, movements, and activities. Playtime and crafts included! 

Tues ● 10-11am

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Toddler Storytime (Ages 0-3)

A storytime for the “littlest littles” to learn, play, and grow through a variety of stories, songs, rhymes and movements that appeal to short attention spans. 

Wed ● 10-11am

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Kids Club (Ages 6-12)

All the fun of Lego Club, but with more! Now you can play a game, complete a craft or activity, and still build with your favorite bricks. 

Thursdays ● 4pm

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Graphic Novel Book Club

Read the book and then come to discuss it. Snacks provided. Books are available at the front desk and are yours to keep. Next meeting, we will discuss ANT STORY by Jay Hosler. 

Monday, Jan. 24 ● 4-5 pm

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Book Boxes (All ages)

Fill out the online form by visiting the events page on our website. Let the librarians pick a surprise selection of books for you. Register the first two weeks of every month to get next month’s box, which will be ready to pick up the first of the following month.

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Reading Dragons (All Ages)

Game on! Read to earn creature cards to collect and play games! Can you collect them all? Stop by the library to grab a reading log and a starter set to begin your adventure.

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Live Homework Help

Free with your library card! Log on to HelpNow, click “Live Help”, Enter subject and grade level and enter the online classroom for expert assistance. You can find a link on our homepage.

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Dungeons & Dragons (Ages 12-18)

Come play D&D 5th Edition! No prior experience needed.

Wednesdays ● 2:30-5pm

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Switch Free Play (Ages 10-18)

Open gaming time with the library's Switch.

Fridays ● 2:30-5 pm

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January Create! (Ages 13 and up)

Join us in the month of January for a Maker’s Space Open House. Make your visions a reality. What will you create? 

Tues ● 4-5 pm

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Find Your People at the Library

We are thrilled to continue this popular working group to explore the Ancestry Library Edition and other valuable genealogy resources. Bring your laptop or use one of our computers. Registration Requested.

Tues, Feb 18 ● 1-2:30 pm

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Jam Session (Adults and teens)

Open Jam Sessions are becoming a monthly tradition here at the library. Led by community members who love to learn, share and connect; all levels, instruments and genres are welcome! Newcomers are encouraged to lead tunes when they feel called. Song leads call out chords and changes. Questions? Email, OPENJAM in the subject line. 

Tues, Jan 21 ● 5:30 – 7:00pm

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Cardmaking (Adults)

Greet your friends and loved ones with beautiful homemade greeting cards-made by you! You will make four different cards to take home. All supplies included. Registration is required. 

Thurs, Jan 23 ● 6:30 pm & Fri, Jan 24 ● 11am

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Scrapbooking (Adults)

Make the most of your memories and join us for a fun day of scrapbooking your favorite photos. Stay the whole time or for just a few hours. Everyone gets their own table. Light refreshments will be provided. Registration is required. 

Sat. Feb 15 ● 10:30 – 3:30

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Shelf Indulgence Book Club (Adults)

We’re excited about the new format for our monthly afternoon book club. Members will take turns facilitating the discussions. Come and enjoy some literary camaraderie! Register to get a free copy of the book, while supplies last. Registration begins one month before each scheduled meeting. Next up we will discuss BLACK WIDOWS by Cate Quinn. 

Thurs, Feb 20 ● 2pm

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Sewing (Adults)

Bring your sewing machine and learn from a master seamstress. All levels of skill are welcome. Registration is required. 

Wed, Feb 19 ● 5:30-8pm & Friday Feb 14 ● 10-2pm

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Valentine Sensory Bins (Adults)

Join us to make sensory boxes for that special little one in your life. You will choose from a variety of supplies and each one will be unique. All supplies are included. Registration is required. Supplies are limited. 

Thurs, Feb 6 ● 6 pm

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Civil War Enthusiasts – Gettysburg Address

Owen McMaster will be here to deliver the Gettysburg Address and will take a deep dive into the significance and lasting consequences of the “271 Words that Changed History”. 

Wednesday, Jan 22 ● 5:30 pm

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The Secret Love Life of Birds

Laurel Zoet, naturalist and educator presents this adult minded, educational program about the secret love lives of birds, just in time for Valentine’s Day. 

Thurs, Feb 13 ● 6pm

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FDL Oral History Project

Record your history with us as we capture the memories and stories of our residents. Call to schedule an audio interview, which can be done by a family member or staff and can include video.

Recordings will become part of the FDL historical collection.

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A Friendly Reminder

We are happy to be fine-free, however after 3 months the item will be withdrawn from our system and can no longer be returned. A library lost/replacement fee will be applied to the account. Please return your items on time so that others can enjoy them too.

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Library Holiday

The library will be closed on January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Day.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

 Cynthia Marie Casemore

    Cynthia Marie Casemore, 61, of Battle Creek, Michigan, passed away at home with hospice surrounded by her loved ones on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. She was born on May 28, 1963, the daughter of Joseph P. Wagner and Norma F. (Treece) Wagner.

    Cindy was an active participant in many mutual support cancer groups. She prided herself on supporting others going through similar hard times as she had. Cindy was a longtime, valued staff member at Brighton Hospital. She married her forever soulmate, Bradley Casemore in 2002, and for the following years the two shared many laughs and smiles. 

    Cynthia is survived by her husband, Bradley Casemore; children, Jeremi (Corinne) Soli, Michelle (Chris) Johnson, Clifford Soli, Tanya (Christopher) Baker, Ali (Tim) Casemore Buck; grandchildren, Wyatt, Dylan, Adyson, Rhyan, Hanley, Caysen, Hunter; brothers, Vaughn, Joe, Mike, John; lifelong friends and chosen sisters, Kris Snow, Stella Peruski; and many cherished nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents, Joseph and Norma Wagner. 

    Cindy was an amazing woman and one hell of a fighter who loved to spend her days boating and dipping her toes in the sand. She also loved traveling, sitting by the fire reading, listening to music and enjoying time in nature. Through her many enjoyments in life however, her deep love and devotion remained with her children and grandchildren. They truly were the light of her life and she made sure to spend as much time with them as she could.

    A private celebration of life will take place at a later date. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society in honor of Cindy.

 Janet Faye Martindale

October 30, 1950 – January 6, 2025

    With heavy hearts, we announce the passing of Janet Faye Martindale, who peacefully left us on January 6, 2025. Born on October 30, 1950, in Harbor Beach, MI, Janet was a devoted wife, mother, grandmother, sister, and friend whose love and kindness left an indelible mark on everyone she met.

    Janet was known for her boundless compassion, unwavering generosity, and deep love for her family and friends. Her gentle spirit and warm smile touched countless lives, and her strength and selflessness will forever inspire those who knew her.

    A dedicated caregiver and educator, Janet made a lasting impact on her community through her work in the school system, where she nurtured and guided generations of children. She was a true beacon of light, always ready to lend a helping hand, offer a kind word, or brighten someone’s day with her genuine warmth.

    Janet is survived by her beloved husband, Michael Martindale; her loving children, Daniel (Domineque), Chris, and Chad (Emily); and her cherished grand-children, Charlotte and Ophelia. She is also deeply mourned by her siblings, Diane Creighton, Artie Artman (Sherry), and Karen Kraus (Ray), along with her extended family and many dear friends. She was preceded in death by her beloved parents, Norman and Faye Artman.

    Janet’s love, strength, and unwavering kindness will live on in our hearts forever. She will be dearly missed but never forgotten.

    A Celebration of Life will be held on January 25, 2025, at Herrmann Funeral Home (1005 E. Grand River Ave, Fowlerville, MI 48836) at 1pm-3pm.

    To honor her lifelong commitment to helping others, the family kindly requests that, in lieu of flowers, donations be made in her memory to Fowlerville Community Schools or Fowlerville District Library, with the memo: Janet Martindale Memorial.

    Arrangements entrusted to Herrmann Funeral Home. Online condolences may be expressed at

 Sylvia Constance (Connie) Phibbs

Sylvia Constance (Connie) Donkerbrook Phibbs passed peacefully in her sleep on Saturday, Jan. 4, 2025, surrounded by her loving family. She was born April 21, 1930 in Detroit to Hilda Jones Donkerbrook and Jack Donkerbrook. Connie married Lee Phibbs in 1949 and together they moved to Fowlerville with their young family in 1964.

There was never a dull moment with Connie. She loved her family, her many close friends, her baby pigs on their hobby farm and traveling to new places. She particularly enjoyed helping her son with farm chores and was always up for a ride in his truck. Her children fondly recall her famously bad cooking, a task she considered too boring to master.

Connie hated to be left out of the fun, happily participating in most any activity suggested. In her 80s she completed a 5K and zip-lined through the Amazon rain forest. In her 90s she attended the Kentucky Derby, getting up close with the horses, and was part of a family pub crawl through cities in Germany. On a whim Connie was known to ride the penny horse at the grocery store.

Her grandchildren’s favorite story from Connie’s youth is one where she entertained one young man on the front porch while simultaneously entertaining a second on the back porch, running through the house to make sure neither met the other and both received her time.

Connie enjoyed working with young people as a Girl Scout and 4-H leader and at Fowlerville High School, filling in where needed, usually in the lunch room, library and study hall. She held several part-time jobs in Fowlerville including at Utter’s Clothing Store and Lockwood Insurance.

Connie was a 50+ year member of the local ladies group, Families In Focus. She looked forward to her weekly friends’ breakfasts at Olden Days Café and monthly club meetings. Connie was dedicated to walking outside in nature and made sure to walk a mile every day around the community park and the village. You may have seen her walking these last few years with the assistance of her upright walker. Up until the end, her sense of humor and love of life remained with her through her adventures shared, funny stories told and the love she showed everyone.

Connie was preceded in death by her husband Lee Phibbs, brothers Jim, Donald and Jack Donkerbrook, and sister Charlotte Stevenson. She is survived by her sister Joyce Means, several nieces and nephews, daughters Candy (Pete) Decker, Sandy (Bob) Lemon, and Cindy (Tom) Englehart and son Kevin (Bonnie) Phibbs, 12 grandchildren, 22 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild.

Visitation was being held at Herrmann Funeral Home on Saturday, January 18th 10 AM until 12 PM, with service at 12 PM. A luncheon at the Fowlerville VFW Hall was to follow. In lieu of flowers, a donation may be made to the “Phibbs Family Good Kid Scholarship Fund” in Connie’s name.

Arrangements entrusted to Herrmann Funeral Home. Online condolences may be expressed at

 Family Impact Centers offering new Bible studies

We’re thrilled to announce a new season of Bible Studies at Family Impact Centers! Whether you’re looking to deepen your faith, explore Scripture in a fresh way, or connect with others on their spiritual journey, we have something for everyone. These studies are designed to inspire, encourage, and equip you in your walk with God. Below, you’ll find a list of studies to help you find the perfect fit. We can’t wait to grow together in faith—join us!

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The Bait Of Satan - Monday 6:30pm - 8:00pm

Beginning January 27th - Men’s Bible Study

Are you "OFFENDED? Have you ever been offended by someone? a family member? a friend? a pastor? another Christian? or something or someone?If you haven't noticed, we are even being confronted culturally with an onslaught of OFFENSES.

We are starting a new biblically based LIFE APPLICATION study for men called "The Bait of Satan" by John Bevere, author and pastor. This teaching will not only help us become "aware" of offenses, but will show us how our responses ARE OFTEN SINFUL!

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How To Make Disciples - Thursday 7:00pm

Beginning January 9th - For Men, Women & Couples

Before ascending into heaven, Jesus told those he had discipled to make disciples of others.God’s plan for building His Kingdom is disciples who make disciples, who make disciples. And yet so few of us have ever been personally discipled by someone further along in their faith journey. Even fewer have ever discipled another Christian. Would you like to discover how to personally help another person grow into a disciple of Jesus? If so, this group is for you.

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Not A Fan - Saturday 7:30am-9:00am

Beginning January 18th - Men’s Bible Study

In the Gospels, Jesus never seemed too interested in fans.

Is that how you define your relationship with Him? An "enthusiastic admirer"? Close enough to Jesus to get the benefits but not so close to require sacrifice?

He was looking for followers. Not just any follower though, but a...COMPLETELY. COMMITTED. FOLLOWER.

How would things change if you lived as Jesus lived, and loved the way He loved?Maybe you’re ready to join the hundreds of people who have stepped across a line and said:

I am not a fan.

* * *

Coming Soon!

The Art Of Marriage - March 13th 6:30pm-8:00pm

6 Week Marriage class

    ▪ Any couple whether you are newly married, blended, seasoned,          empty nesters, or thinking of being married, this class is for you.

    ▪ Couples in every circumstance will feel understood and                      equipped by the biblical wisdom and authentic stories from wise        marriage mentors.

 Euchre Fun Night planned Jan. 25th at the Webberville Library

Friends of the Webberville Library is sponsoring a Euchre Fun Night fundraiser on Saturday, Jan, 25th. Registration starts at 5:30pm and playing begins 6:00pm at the Webberville Cultural Center. The entry fee is $10 per person to play. Prizes will be awarded and there will be a 50/50 drawing. Snacks and beverages will be provided. You are welcome to bring your own snacks and non-alcholic beverages.

 Knights of Columbus hosting Italian dinner at St. Agnes Church on Jan. 25th

The Knights of Columbus will be hosting an Italian Dinner at St. Agnes Catholic Church in Fowlerville on Saturday, Jan. 25th. Doors open at 5:30pm, with the dinner served at 6pm. Tickets are $20 per person. The meal includes lasagna, spaghetti, appetizers, salad, and dessert.

Tickets can be purchased at the church office or at the door . The church is located at 855 E. Grand River Ave. on the east side of Fowlerville. All are welcome to attend.

 Community Connect to be held at 2/42 Church in Brighton   Feb. 1st

The Livingston County Homeless Continuum of Care is reminding residents to mark their calendars for Community Connect 2025, which will be held on Saturday, Feb. 1st at 2|42 Community Church in Brighton.

“We’re busy planning the final details of the event, but look forward to bringing the community another day of connection with services, free resources, and plenty of helpful information,” organizers said, adding that “Everyone in our community who could benefit from these services and resources is welcome to attend.”

New this year, the Secretary of State Mobile Office will be on-site and provide a variety of services.

“Necessary documents and fees will still apply, but we are excited to have a new service for our guests” said Amy Johnston, Community Collaborative Planner for the Livingston County Human Services Collaborative Body.

If you are interested in visiting the SOS Mobile Office at the event, please view to see what documentation you’ll need to bring with you.

The event will offer many valuable resources for Livingston County residents. Some of the free services will include health screenings, haircuts, legal services, and information on topics like housing, utility programs, and basic needs. Many free resources will be available as well. Those who attend can pick up personal care items, winter gear, laundry detergent, diapers, food, and more.

No registration is needed to attend, and families are more than welcome! (Please note that childcare will not be provided.) Thank you to 2|24 Community Church for hosting the event and the following sponsors who make Community Connect possible, Livingston Sunrise Rotary, Brighton Masonic Lodge, and the Livingston County Homeless Continuum of Care.

Finally, volunteers always help make this day possible. There are plenty of volunteer opportunities available from event set-up and tear down, loading assistance, guest guides, and more. Visit Volunteer Livingston to sign up and help out:

 Fowlerville District Library

Upcoming Events

Monday – Wednesday: 9:30 am to 7:00 pm

Thursday: 9:30 am to 8:00 pm

Friday: 9:30 am to 6:00 pm

Saturday: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Sunday: Closed

For any questions, or to register for programs, call us at 517-223-9089

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Family Storytime (Ages 1-5)

For families with “littles” to learn, play and grow through a variety of stories, songs, rhymes, movements, and activities. Playtime and crafts included! 

Begins on Jan 7, Tues ● 10-11am

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Toddler Storytime (Ages 0-3)

A storytime for the “littlest littles” to learn, play, and grow through a variety of stories, songs, rhymes and movements that appeal to short attention spans. 

Begins on Jan 8, Wed ● 10-11am

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Kids Club (Ages 6-12)

All the fun of Lego Club, but with more! Now you can play a game, complete a craft or activity, and still build with your favorite bricks. 

Thursdays ● 4pm

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Graphic Novel Book Club

Read the book and then come to discuss it. Snacks provided. Books are available at the front desk and are yours to keep. Next meeting, we will discuss ANT STORY by Jay Hosler. 

Monday, Jan. 24 ● 4-5 pm

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Book Boxes (All ages)

Fill out the online form by visiting the events page on our website. Let the librarians pick a surprise selection of books for you. Register the first two weeks of every month to get next month’s box, which will be ready to pick up the first of the following month.

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Reading Dragons (All Ages)

Game on! Read to earn creature cards to collect and play games! Can you collect them all? Stop by the library to grab a reading log and a starter set to begin your adventure.

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Live Homework Help

Free with your library card! Log on to HelpNow, click “Live Help”, Enter subject and grade level and enter the online classroom for expert assistance. You can find a link on our homepage.

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Dungeons & Dragons (Ages 12-18)

Come play D&D 5th Edition! No prior experience needed.

Wednesdays ● 2:30-5pm

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Switch Free Play (Ages 10-18)

Open gaming time with the library's Switch.

Fridays ● 2:30-5 pm

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January Create! (Ages 13 and up)

Join us in the month of January for a Maker’s Space Open House. Make your visions a reality. What will you create? 

Tues ● 4-5 pm

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Find Your People at the Library

We are thrilled to continue this popular working group to explore the Ancestry Library Edition and other valuable genealogy resources. Bring your laptop or use one of our computers. Registration Requested.

Tues, Feb 21 ● 1-2:30 pm

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Jam Session (Adults and teens)

Open Jam Sessions are becoming a monthly tradition here at the library. Led by community members who love to learn, share and connect; all levels, instruments and genres are welcome! Newcomers are encouraged to lead tunes when they feel called. Song leads call out chords and changes. Questions? Email, OPENJAM in the subject line. 

Tues, Jan 21 ● 5:30 – 7:00pm

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Cardmaking (Adults)

Greet your friends and loved ones with beautiful homemade greeting cards-made by you! You will make four different cards to take home. All supplies included. Registration is required

Thurs, Jan 23 ● 6:30 pm & Fri, Jan 24 ● 11am

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Scrapbooking (Adults)

Make the most of your memories and join us for a fun day of scrapbooking your favorite photos. Stay the whole time or for just a few hours. Everyone gets their own table. Light refreshments will be provided. Registration is required

Sat. Jan 18 ● 10:30 – 3:30

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Shelf Indulgence Book Club (Adults)

We’re excited about the new format for our monthly afternoon book club. Members will take turns facilitating the discussions. Come and enjoy some literary camaraderie! Register to get a free copy of the book, while supplies last. Registration begins one month before each scheduled meeting. Next up we will discuss OTHER BIRDS by Sarah Addison. 

Thurs, Jan 16 ● 2pm

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Sewing (Adults)

Bring your sewing machine and learn from a master seamstress. All levels of skill are welcome. Registration is required

Wed, Jan 15 ● 5:30-8pm & Friday Feb 14 ● 10-2pm

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Valentine Sensory Bins (Adults)

Join us to make sensory boxes for that special little one in your life. You will choose from a variety of supplies and each one will be unique. All supplies are included. Registration is required. Supplies are limited. 

Thurs, Feb 6 ● 6 pm

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Civil War Enthusiasts – Gettysburg Address

Owen McMaster will be here to deliver the Gettysburg Address and will take a deep dive into the significance and lasting consequences of the “271 Words that Changed History”. 

Wednesday, Jan 22 ● 5:30 pm

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FDL Oral History Project

Record your history with us as we capture the memories and stories of our residents. Call to schedule an audio interview, which can be done by a family member or staff and can include video.

Recordings will become part of the FDL historical collection.

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A Friendly Reminder

We are happy to be fine-free, however after 3 months the item will be withdrawn from our system and can no longer be returned. A library lost/replacement fee will be applied to the account. Please return your items on time so that others can enjoy them too.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

 Skeeter Van Atta

Skeeter Van Atta, 72 years old

Born Jan. 30, 1951

Passed Nov. 29, 2024 at home

Survived by his wife Mary Van Atta; children: Stacy Coin (Scott), Cad Van Atta (Ashley), Stevie Lyn Fordyce; 7 grandchildren; 6 great grandchildren; brothers: Mike, Harry, and Rick Van Atta.

Preceded in death by parents: Gene & Wanda Van Atta; sister: Kathy Greenhill; oldest son: Randy Van Atta.

A private service was held and there will be a celebration birthday bash on Jan. 30, 2025 at the Williamston Eagles #4091 from 5-9pm.

Skeeter Van Atta was quite the character and if you met him, you remembered him.

There are thousands of funny, daredevil, and adventurous stories that have been told about him. During his life there were a few constants which include his love of Harley Davidson motorcycles, total pride in whatever job he was doing, his friends, and beer.

He grew up farming and that love of running equipment took him into his lifetime career of 40 years as an Operating Engineer, running heavy equipment. He was very proud of all his work but in particular digging and creating all the ponds around Soaring Eagle Casino, and when Tiger Stadium came down, he was operating the last piece of equipment out when it was done, smoothing out the ground as he backed out. He was always first on any job site to ensure all was ready to go for his crew.

He spent many years officiating the Webberville Tractor Pulls. He was very passionate about it and was great at making something out of nothing as he did with a broken-down transfer sled, bringing it back to life for the club.

He was a lifetime member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles and took pride in serving in various roles at the Williamston club for several years.

He could be a hard man but always had time to help friends and family whenever he could. He cherished them and would often jump in the truck, grab some beers, and go visiting.

He has been a farmer, truck driver, heavy equipment operator, horse hauler, bartender, bouncer, boss, brother, father, husband, and friend. He will be missed by all. Ride on brother.

 Livingston County Health Department to offer free Radon Test Kits

    January is National Radon Action Month – a fitting time to test for radon, a health risk that may be present in many Livingston County residences. This January, Livingston County Health Department (LCHD) is offering free radon test kits at their Environmental Health Division office, located at 2300 East Grand River Avenue, Howell, MI, 48843.

About radon

    Radon is a radioactive gas that can build up in the air of homes and buildings. It comes from the natural (radioactive) breakdown of uranium in soil, rock, and water. Radon enters buildings through openings in the foundation floor or walls. When radon builds up to high levels in the home, it can be harmful to people’s health over time. Exposure to radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that 21,000 lung cancer deaths each year are related to radon.

    “About 40% of homes in Livingston County have high radon levels, according to a study by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy,” said Heather Blair, Environmental Health Director at LCHD. “You can’t see, smell, or taste radon, and it doesn’t cause any warning symptoms like headaches or nausea. The only way to know if radon levels are high in your home is to test.”

Where to get a radon test kit

    LCHD has short-term radon test kits available free of charge throughout January. Test kits can be picked up at LCHD’s Environmental Health Division office, located at 2300 East Grand River Avenue, Howell, MI, 48843.

    Free kits may also be picked up at participating local city and township offices, while supplies last:

• City of Brighton

• Brighton Township

• Cohoctah Township

• Conway Township

• Deerfield Township

• Village of Fowlerville

• Genoa Township

• Green Oak Township

• Hamburg Township

• Hartland Township

• City of Howell

• Iosco Township

• Marion Township

• Oceola Township

• Village of Pinckney

• Putnam Township

• Tyrone Township

• Unadilla Township

    Test kits are free at LCHD throughout January but will be available for purchase the remainder of the year. Residents can also buy radon test kits at local hardware stores and home improvement centers. After testing The EPA recommends fixing homes with radon levels higher than 4 picocuries per liter (pCi/L) to prevent the build-up of the gas indoors. Installing a radon mitigation system in the home can reduce radon levels. These systems can be installed by qualified contractors.

    More information For more radon information, contact LCHD at (517) 546-9858, or the Michigan Indoor Radon Program at 1-800-RADON-GAS. Radon information can also be accessed online at or

 Euchre returns to Williamston Eagles Club with Jan. 10th & 17th dates

Euchre returns in 2025 at the Williamston Eagles Club on Friday, January 10th, and again on Friday January 17th. Registration begins at 6:30 pm and play starts at 7pm. Cost is $10 per person and you don't need a partner to join the fun. Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places, along with last place booby prize! Kitchen is open from 5-7pm.

The club is at 835 High Street in Williamston. Call the club at 517-655-6510 after 3 pm for more information.

 Michiganders encouraged to start year with Smart Food Safety Resolutions

The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) is encouraging food safety be prioritized as part of New Year's resolutions. Proper food handling and preparation can prevent foodborne illnesses and keep families safe.

“New Year’s resolutions are often about fresh starts and new opportunities for healthy choices,” said MDARD Director Tim Boring. “Improving food safety practices is a great place to kick-off a happy, healthy 2025 for you and your loved ones.”

Here are five simple food safety practices to utilize as part of healthy habits in 2025:

Wash Your Hands Regularly Handwashing is the first line of defense against food borne illnesses. Always wash your hands with soap and water before and after handling food, especially raw meat, poultry, and seafood.

Avoid Cross-Contamination Keep raw meats separate from ready-to-eat foods. Use separate cutting boards for raw proteins and other ingredients such as fruits and vegetables. Make sure to always clean utensils and surfaces after use.

Use a Food Thermometer to Cook Foods to Safe Temperatures Use a food thermometer to ensure foods are cooked to the proper internal temperature. Just because it “looks done” doesn’t mean it’s cooked properly. For example, poultry should reach 165°F, while ground beef requires 160°F.

Refrigerate Promptly Keep perishable foods safe by storing them in the refrigerator within two hours. Ensure your refrigerator is set to 40°F or below.

Teach Food Safety to Others Share these tips with family and friends to promote safe food handling practices. Food safety is a shared responsibility, and knowledge is a powerful tool in preventing illness.

By adopting these resolutions, Michiganders can take meaningful steps to protect themselves and their families from foodborne illness.

For more tips and resources regarding food safety,go to or

Fowlerville District Library

Upcoming Events

Monday – Wednesday: 9:30 am to 7:00 pm

Thursday: 9:30 am to 8:00 pm

Friday: 9:30 am to 6:00 pm

Saturday: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Sunday: Closed

For any questions, or to register for programs, call us at 517-223-9089

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Family Storytime (Ages 1-5)

For families with “littles” to learn, play and grow through a variety of stories, songs, rhymes, movements, and activities. Playtime and crafts included! 

Begins on Jan 7, Tues ● 10-11am

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Toddler Storytime (Ages 0-3)

A storytime for the “littlest littles” to learn, play, and grow through a variety of stories, songs, rhymes and movements that appeal to short attention spans. 

Begins on Jan 8, Wed ● 10-11am

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Kids Club (Ages 6-12)

All the fun of Lego Club, but with more! Now you can play a game, complete a craft or activity, and still build with your favorite bricks. 

Thursdays ● 4pm

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Graphic Novel Book Club

Read the book and then come to discuss it. Snacks provided. Books are available at the front desk and are yours to keep. Next meeting, we will discuss ANT STORY by Jay Hosler. 

Monday, Jan. 24 ● 4-5 pm

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Book Boxes (All ages)

Fill out the online form by visiting the events page on our website. Let the librarians pick a surprise selection of books for you. Register the first two weeks of every month to get next month’s box, which will be ready to pick up the first of the following month.

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Reading Dragons (All Ages)

Game on! Read to earn creature cards to collect and play games! Can you collect them all? Stop by the library to grab a reading log and a starter set to begin your adventure

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Live Homework Help

Free with your library card! Log on to HelpNow, click “Live Help”, Enter subject and grade level and enter the online classroom for expert assistance. You can find a link on our homepage.

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Dungeons & Dragons (Ages 12-18)

Come play D&D 5th Edition! No prior experience needed.

Wednesdays ● 2:30-5pm

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Switch Free Play (Ages 10-18)

Open gaming time with the library's Switch.

Fridays ● 2:30-5 pm

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January Create! (Ages 13 and up)

Join us in the month of January for a Maker’s Space Open House. Make your visions a reality. What will you create? 

Tues ● 4-5 pm

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Find Your People at the Library

We are thrilled to continue this popular working group to explore the Ancestry Library Edition and other valuable genealogy resources. Bring your laptop or use one of our computers. Registration Requested.

Tues, Feb 21 ● 1-2:30 pm

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Jam Session (Adults and teens)

Open Jam Sessions are becoming a monthly tradition here at the library. Led by community members who love to learn, share and connect; all levels, instruments and genres are welcome! Newcomers are encouraged to lead tunes when they feel called. Song leads call out chords and changes. Questions? Email, OPENJAM in the subject line. 

Tues, Jan 21 ● 5:30 – 7:00pm

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Cardmaking (Adults)

Greet your friends and loved ones with beautiful homemade greeting cards-made by you! You will make four different cards to take home. All supplies included. Registration is required

Thurs, Jan 23 ● 6:30 pm & Fri, Jan 24 ● 11am

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Scrapbooking (Adults)

Make the most of your memories and join us for a fun day of scrapbooking your favorite photos. Stay the whole time or for just a few hours. Everyone gets their own table. Light refreshments will be provided. Registration is required

Sat. Jan 18 ● 10:30 – 3:30

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Shelf Indulgence Book Club (Adults)

We’re excited about the new format for our monthly afternoon book club. Members will take turns facilitating the discussions. Come and enjoy some literary camaraderie! Register to get a free copy of the book, while supplies last. Registration begins one month before each scheduled meeting. Next up we will discuss OTHER BIRDS by Sarah Addison. 

Thurs Jan 16 ● 2pm

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Sewing (Adults)

Bring your sewing machine and learn from a master seamstress. All levels of skill are welcome. Registration is required

Wed, Jan 15 ● 5:30-8pm & Friday Jan 10 ● 10-2pm

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Beaded Forks (Adults)

Join us for some wire bead wrapping to make a beautiful addition to your party table. The small size is perfect for an olive dish or charcuterie spread. We’ll make this in time for Superbowl weekend. Registration is required. Supplies are limited. 

Thurs, Jan 9 ● 6 pm

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Civil War Enthusiasts – Gettysburg Address

Owen McMaster will be here to deliver the Gettysburg Address and will take a deep dive into the significance and lasting consequences of the “271 Words that Changed History”. 

Wednesday, Jan 22 ● 5:30 pm

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FDL Oral History Project

Record your history with us as we capture the memories and stories of our residents. Call to schedule an audio interview, which can be done by a family member or staff and can include video.

Recordings will become part of the FDL historical collection.

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A Friendly Reminder

We are happy to be fine-free, however after 3 months the item will be withdrawn from our system and can no longer be returned. A library lost/replacement fee will be applied to the account. Please return your items on time so that others can enjoy them too.